Boat rental Alsace

Departure bases in the region

The canal de la Marne au Rhin

What a beautiful region! Discover and admire the beautiful scenery offered by the canal de la Marne au Rhin with its castles and windmills, as well as the inclined plane at Saint Louis Arzviller or the Dabo Rock or Phalsbourg.
Once in Alsace, take the boat lift at Azviller, unique masterpiece of its kind in Europe. It carries boats and barges and has a slope of 41% and is 128m long. Continuing in the direction of Strasbourg the canal passes through green valleys, archaelogical sights and fields of hop.

Strasbourg is the 7th biggest city in France and is the home of the European parliament. It is a cosmopolitan and culturally rich city. The old city centre, surrounded by the river Ill, is certainly the best part of the city itself with the Notre Dame cathedral, the “Maison Kammerzell” and the “Petite France”. Enjoy life along the waterways…

Carte Alsace

Alsace pictures for your cruise


Madame Oreille
Canal de la Marne au Rhin, coloured version from Madame Oreille on Vimeo.
Madame Oreille
On the canals (weekend in Alsace) from Madame Oreille on Vimeo.
Adventure travel
Weekend in April spent between Hochfelden and Saverne, with a Canalous license free boat.
Canalous alsace
A few images of Alsace onboard a tarpon, how serene! With the passage of the famous reclined bridge of Arziller.

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Departure bases in the region